MAKE IT Bradford

Thi event took place as part of Saltaire Arts Trail, at Salt Building, Shipley College.

Shining a spotlight on the artistic talent found within the Bradford district, visitors discovered local makers and artists at this new one-day pop-up creative market. A brand new event for 2024, taking place on the opening day of the Saltaire Arts Trail, this unique market showcased the contemporary art, craft and design creations of local independent and small-but-mighty creative businesses, all created here in Bradford.

Developed to provide a platform for local artists to show and sell their work, each stall-holder was chosen for their original products and quality of their making skills, resulting in the selection of 21 experienced and established businesses as well as early-career artists, many of which are brand new to Saltaire Inspired events! We were thrilled to host to this wealth of creative talent and to share our pride and support of Bradford’s creative small business community.

Explore all stall-holders in our gallery below…